Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Save Funds on Your Company's Marketing Budget using Motion Typography

Kinetic Typography, also called Motion Typography, is the 21st century video marketing style. Investing in Motion Typography in cool commercials is a very sensible strategy for most businessmen, especially if they want to reduce cost for advertisements. As marketers, we try our best to relay the message of our products and earn the curiosity of the observer through various ads that we air online and on TV, in an effort to make a sale. Kinetic video, an animation technique in which texts transform in order to produce a wonderful video animation that will look pleasant and appealing to viewers. A usual KT video would last from thirty to ninety seconds, depending on the company's wishes and ideas. Some examples of such text and graphics animations are in the opening credits and the movie titles (remember “Batman” or “Star Wars”). Additionally, using kinetic typography in video and television advertisements helps further to express the intended emotion that the commercial aims to invoke. By applying motion, varying font sizes, playing with music, speeding up or slowing down the pitch, a tone and emotion is generated.

Making animated commercials using Kinetic Typography allows you to cut the financial burden associated with making advertisements. Without having to pay actresses or post-production engineers, text animation becomes incredibly affordable; since it can easily be designed using Adobe After Effects or Cinema 4D, you're spending money on less people to work for you. At the same time, the result that they will achieve will exceed the expectations of traditional adverts – if it's done correctly. An additional factor that makes Kinetic animation an inexpensive route to make advertisements is because at present, there aren't a lot of people who offer such services. This implies that YOUR animation will stand out of the crowd. As a whole, kinetic typography is viewed as a new and unique way in advertising a service that a company offers. It's a stylish and sophisticated approach to Internet marketing. It enhances our imaginative state of mind by allowing each individual to be immersed in your brand. By introducing Motion Typography in the field of advertisement, there are now additional options for companies to prepare and showcase their products in order to find leads and clients, and be able to serve its purpose. Click on www.KineticTypography.com for more samples and information about buying a video for your company!

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